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An iHarbor product
from the University of Maryland Medical System (UMMS)

Digital Bill-Only Implant Management and Analytics Platform

Gallion consolidates bill-only purchases and payments into a single user-friendly digital application.

  • Eliminates manual processes
  • Improves accuracy and compliance
  • Increases efficiency and transparency
  • Lowers costs


A Major Expense at Most Hospitals

Bill-only, implants and related areas like Physician Preference Items (PPI) are an ever-increasing major expense.

Implants: Medicare TKA & THA*Projections and Epidemiology of Primary Hip and Knee Arthroplasty in Medicare Patients to 2040-2060

Line chart showing projected 24% growth in cost for Total Knee Arthroplasty and 29% growth in costs for Total Hip Arthroplasty from year 2019 to 2060.

$25.7 Billion

Annual supply chain savings opportunity in the US Market*Navigant Consulting, 2019

40% to 60%

of hospital expenditures on supplies are attributed to PPI*Burns et al, 2018. Physician preference items: what factors matter to surgeons? Does the vendor matter?


Annual increase in manufacturer’s price for artificial knees and hips*Montgomery and Schneller, 2007. Hospitals’ Strategies for Orchestrating Selection of Physician Preference Items


Introducing Gallion

Gears showing the synchronicity of digitally integrated transactions, automated bill creating and reconciliation, price benchmarking and cost control visibility, and robust analytics.
Gears showing the synchronicity of digitally integrated transactions, automated bill creating and reconciliation, price benchmarking and cost control visibility, and robust analytics.

A One-Stop Bill-Only Solution

Our bill-only supply management system eliminates manual processes, digitizes and standardizes workflows, improving accuracy, efficiency, transparency, and costs.

Bill Sheets

Vendors can easily generate an electronic bill sheet in real-time during a surgical procedure to ensure accurate bill-only supplies are included.

EMR & Real-Time
ERP Validation

Perioperative staff receive confirmation by the end of a procedure that the bill sheet matches the EMR, so they can fix any discrepancies immediately.

Purchase Orders

Supply chain managers are notified if the billed amount doesn’t match the ERP contracted price, so they can make corrections before Gallion creates the purchase order.


Because errors are flagged during the process, billers have less downstream manual reconciliation, so they can manage a high volume of payments more efficiently.

Contract Price

Gallion compares your hospital’s contract prices for implants, PPI, and other bill-only supplies with market benchmarks, meaning more competitive future pricing opportunities with vendors.


With insights into case costs, waste, clinical outcomes, and more, executives gain better financial control of PPI and improved partnerships with clinicians.

Robust Analytics

Gallion offers sophisticated evidence-based analytics with insights into case costs, waste, clinical outcomes, and more.

Billing Efficiency Metrics
  • Bill processing time
  • Remediation rate
  • Invoice reconciliation
  • Productivity in terms of bill aging
Supply Chain & Contracting
  • Monitor non-contracted items & items outside of constructs
  • Vendor cost & utilization by surgeon
Financial Metrics & Costs
  • Benchmarks & savings
  • Waste analysis
  • Total cases per facility
  • Physician preference items (PPI) spend
Surgeon & Clinical Metrics
  • Spend analysis
  • Clinical outcomes
  • Procedure volume
  • Patient risk factors
  • Comparison trends
Three monitors showing images of analytics dashboards.

Improving Workforce Productivity

Continuity and real-time integration across the entire stakeholder value chain.

With its real-time mistake-proofing capabilities, Gallion is an invaluable tool that helps OR circulators focus on providing better care for their patients.

Operating Room Nurse

Gallion ensures synchronicity between the consumed items, charges, and contract compliance.

Contract Manager

Gallion is an excellent resource for information on item usage, giving the end user the ability to review, analyze, and compare pricing information on implants in the system.

Billing Specialist

Open orders are now typically closed in a few short days, compared to several weeks in the past. The application is simple to use and very user-friendly.

Vendor Representative


Built by a Health System for Health Systems

Here at iHarbor, we didn’t just develop Gallion. We have been using Gallion since 2021 at the largest hospital healthcare provider in Maryland.

At the University of Maryland Medical System, with Gallion, we:

  • Processed more than 14,000 total joint and spine cases

  • Completed billing for nearly 120,000 implants and supplies

  • Onboarded 21 new vendors and 133 vendor representatives

View UMMS Case Study